Sunday, September 25, 2011

The gift of hospitality:it is the company that is the real gift!!

This weekend had been having a particulary lonely one for me. My son was busy in his life, so he didn't return my phone calls or texts on his days off like he usually does. "Oh how I miss you," I thought. My heart was pained by our 8 month physical separation. It is difficult as a mom to let go!
My sister had an insane schedule of family commitments. She had time to text me twice in ten days and I had missed two of her messages. This lack of contact was so difficult as she was a teacher, going from having the summer off to back into the reality of her life. My heart was grieving.
But along came Sunday and a friend who so often offered me an after church invitation for lunch offered one!
I loved to go to her house for lunch as nothing needed to be perfect. She whized around the kitchen serving myself, another mother with her two kids, as well as her own smookie dogs! They were delicious!! We had little cupcakes she had got at Wallmart, and icecream from the other friend. Not a low calorie lunch but worth the fellowship and fun!
She then dyed her friend's hair and I gave her a scalp massage!
We watched a movie, which I fell asleep in the middle of!! But my friend had taken my lonely weekend and ended it up with such a "girlie" day! She is gifted in the gift of hospitality. I think this is a real love language and it ministers to peoples hearts and souls!
Thank you my friend for making my day! Sunday can be lonely after church if you live on your own!! It is the company that is the real gift!!

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