Sunday, October 10, 2010

So blessed this Thanksgiving

Today, I just feel so blessed to be God's child and to be on this ministry of giving He has for me. How I yearn that others will want to do the same. I dream of my book being a catalyst for how people really steward their funds so they can give more. To experience that joy and also that responsibility we are called to. In the country of mine (Canada) we have so many privileges and freedoms that we just take for granted. Many of us don't acknowledge where they truly come from. Who our Creator is. Who Jesus is and the sacrifice He made for us. This year Thanksgiving is actually on Monday, not Sunday. Not on what is traditionally thought of as the Lord's day. When Christians go to church to worship their God and learn about Him through His Word.
But to me, today is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I admit that I have been struggling with depression quite severely. Yesterday I went for prayer for healing which I happened to see through face book. It was amazing because I feel so at peace today with a heart full of love for my Lord God, family and friends.
The turkey feast I prepared for my sister was such a joy to prepare knowing the busyness in her own life with her own family and her two jobs. The fact that I had this abundance of food was amazing also with a whole meal for leftovers for her family, a care package for a friend, and enough for me to make some amazing soup!
God is so good.
Then to finish my entertaining part of my day, I got an invitation to a girlfriends house for turkey dinner tomorrow. God is abundantly good. Think of one thing you are thankful for even if you are in a very dark valley in your life. He is there. He knows your pain. He sheds your tears. Just call out to Him. He will never give you more than you can handle.
God bless you beloved. Today and throughout the year. Feel free to write any stories of special blessings you have received or what you are thankful for. I may use them for my book. Then spread the word of this site to others!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

a community outreach of love

Yesterday I ended up at a function put on by the whole community of Chilliwack. This is my entries from my face book with names changed to protect identities. ENJOY!!

Joy: I am simply OVERWHELMED by the love shown Chilliwack from people, businesses, non-profit agencies, and churches for those on lower income. I went to Christian Assembly church for a few things only to have the choices of breakfast, lunch, clothing, shoes, child care, medical care, community resources, prize draws, and goody bags. Spread the word! It is on until 4:30 pm.
Gail: Is it a charity event. Sounds amazing!
Joy: This is the first time it has been done. It was the whole community of Chilliwack simply reaching out and blessing. Everyone was treated as a equal, Things and services that many could not afford or were difficult to afford were offered. The pampering was amazing. What struck me the most was a woman whom appeared to have had cancer therapy. Her hair was very thin. She had her make up done. I saw her later getting her picture done. Now doesn't that make you teary.
Lisa: "I always say the best people are often those who have had it the worst. They know where they can be, they are less judgmental and their true spirit shines through. Days like that are good for everyone because they spread goodness.
Joy: True. It certainly also was a day of spreading goodness. I remember at one point sitting in the gym having a coffee. I was looking at the joy in the volunteers, and how grateful the recipients were, including myself.I was fighting back tears thinking I was going to have a meltdown moment.
Gail: Well that's partly our age too (ha, ha). I seem to have a meltdown moment on a daily basis. But humor aside it is nice to know that people care and that there is human kindness that crosses over religion, heritage, and wealth.
Joy: What stood out to me was the spirit of giving . In so many ways. From the greeters at the doors to the ladies from a local fantastic Mini pedicures with an incredible foot rub!!

So that is a summary of my day of God blessing me from head to toe. I could not help think though that Gail in her philosophy of life was missing something which I have experienced being on both sides of the fence. At one time I was like Gail giving from the goodness of my heart. Now that I am a Christian I thought of the richness of giving from a servant's heart for Jesus. I thought about the foot care station and Jesus washing the disciples feet. There were homeless people there who were probably in dire need of foot care. To wash the feet like Jesus would. To me that shows true love for fellow mankind!!