Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's giving resolution and past year reflection

Lord, you have blessed me abundantly throughout my life. This year has held a special blessing by learning the joy of giving. But I don't want to stop it here and merely write my book. I want you Lord to guide the process so I can help you bring others into your Kingdom and be a soothing balm to the pain and heartache that the broken are feeling. If it is your will, I would also like to acknowledge a variety of different kinds of ministries, to educate others of the need for support to these ministires. I know Lord that this can only be done through you.

Thank you Lord for molding this once broken clay pot. Thank you for being the Almighty physician and councelor. Lord, let me be the hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth you desire me to be. Bring those who are in need, to this site and the "grateful giver's" site also (see followers of site). Thank you for bringing her into my life and ministry. Help guide us to follow your leading of exactly how you desire this ministry to go. Lord, thank you for my own healing since you first gave me the seeds for this ministry and know finally I am able to see some of the fruit to others. Much earlier however, I started seeing changes to myself. Help me remain grounded in prayer and in your Word.
This is your ministry Lord. Guide it through your Holy Spirit as you see fit. May it become a contagious love revolution for the glory of your Kingdom!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Caring for the homeless

During these cold winter nights, where temperatures drop and winds create precarious conditions for the homeless, I am so grateful for my own bed and warm covers. I often wonder how these folks are doing and the stories of their lives. We hear about those who do not survive due to the elements. Shelters are overflowing and are often only for the night. Many of us have the attitude that "they got themselves into their own mess." So we ignore them and the problem. Most of these people have a mental illness or they come from horrific backgrounds.

So what can we do to help in little ways to support? I think it is wise to not give money as this often is used for drug or alcohol use. Having a little "care pack" in one's car with some wholesome food such as trail mix, scarfs, mittens, a small bible are great comforts to the homeless person. Buying some healthy groceries if you are near a store where you see a homeless person is another way. Taking them out for coffee and buying some food is a welcomed luxury which we just take for granted.

So write in any ways you have helped or seen others help the homeless. Lets give dignity to these suffering people.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Have my gifts touched you in any way

I am wanting to know if my gifts to you have touched you in any way. How have they affected you or changed you? I am looking for stories for my book.
God bless!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How has someone touched you for Mother's Day

It is important to remember that giving can be expressed in so many ways other than money. Have you ever had someone hand pick flowers for you from God's garden. Has your child given you a priceless hand made Mother's day card that you will treasure always. Write the story of your most precious Mother's Day and how it made you feel. Make sure to title your story.
Send me your email contact information with the title of your story to my email (to protect your privacy). Within a month I will pick two stories to give one of my" secret giving mission" assignments. It will involve choices so one can give within one's means and/or one's time. Otherwise, they can tell me how they are going to give. I will ask your permission to use the story for my book. I can keep your name anonymous.
So come on ladies and gentlemen. Let's get those tears rolling!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Try giving challenge for a year or more

If you can, try the "penny power" and "dimes for missions" challenge below for a year, otherwise try smaller increments. Set yourself a goal to develop this giving habit which can last a lifetime!

Pennies and Dimes challenge

With so many so much more in need both financially and spiritually the gift giver has a challenge.

It requires you using cash for your weekly expenses, which will lead to better budgeting.'

Collect your pennies for a wonderful organization called "penny Power" through the MCC. See for all the work that is accomplished. Also collect your "dimes for missions". You can donate to a mission agency, a church fund, a particular missionary, your child's (children's ) fund to go on a mission trip, or for yourself to go on a mission trip!!

Decorate the jars in a visible place like the kitchen and label: "penny power" and "dimes for missions". Have your friends and aquaintances join in our find out about the work of these agencies if they ask.

To help me for my book, I would so appreciate it! Send me your total for both items and contact info. Also any impact the experience had on you emotionally! God bless you as you save that change for those who so need it!! Email:

God bless you abundantly!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayer for giving ministry

Bless this ministry by your Holy, healing touch. Bring salvation for those who do not know that the way to you is through Christ. Help them to realize His ultimate sacrifice and gift for us. Holy Spirit, guide me exactly what steps to take and the vision that You ultimately have. May my hands craft items that are meaningful for the recipients whom receive them. Acts of mercy and tenderness. I know Lord what it feels like to be lost and to wear a mask which many of us can. But empty spots can not be filled by possessions ultimately, but God. Help others learn what I learn in creative ways to give. Help prepare the way for my book Lord and bring people into my path whom will help while I can remain as anonymous as possible. For true giving is in secret. Keep me humble Lord and trusting on you. Keep me patient, knowing your bringing in of funds is a form of pacing for the work I will be doing. Bless the ideas I currently have inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thankyou Lord and praises to you for how you already are putting pieces together. Just when I am discouraged, another potential gift shows up at my apartment lobbey. We are so rich in this country Lord compared to others. Help me to remember that and for others.
Thank you Jesus! Thank you!

Lord guide this journey


Guide this journey I am embarking on. At times it seems overwhelming Lord, but you are in it. Your Holy Spirit is guiding and leading. Your Holy Spirit inspired the idea of my anonymous gift giving for your Kingdom Lord. Although I do not have much Lord, you will provide. You are the provider, the sustainer. The one we can put our trust in. As we plant our seeds of giving Lord, you will blossum a beautiful, bountiful harvest. I know Lord, so many times I have not trusted, but I am hearing your calling.

Well new challenges such as this blog layout await me! I am so technically challenged!!

Sleep is calling, and a new day awaits!