Monday, September 12, 2011

Change your world, one gift at a time.

Everyone has a unique purpose in life which God has given to you. Besides mothering, God has been leading me on this journey of giving. Being the gift giver has changed my life as I have come out of suicidal thoughts to joy from giving gifts to others.
Sunday I visited a church service of a friend. The theme of the service was "Change your world." I realize each of us have unique ways in which we can change our world around us. God has us where we are for a reason.
It was then that I thought of a giving challenge. I already have been giving for over two years baskets, boxes and other gifts to people. But I asked God how could I really change the world around me.
Then I looked at the "stuff" around me in my apartment. One gift at a time, I thought. What would my world look like if I gave something every day for a year. I don't have a lot of money, but the gifts don't have to be lavish. I remembered when I was having a stressful day this year and a woman came up to me. She had a small bunch of daffodils. "Blessings." she said and she walked away even before I could have a good look at her. That gesture made my day.
On Sunday I left some nailpolish and lipgloss that I had not been using in my apartment building. It was gone one hour later. Yesterday I mailed off my dad's birthday present. Today I am going to give a scented candle to someone in starbucks. The candle is in a tin. The top of the lid has Psalm 118.4 on it. "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." I have written this blog address out on the gift bag tag.
So Lord, may these gifts touch others and may you guide me to the ones whom need it the most. Thank you Lord for the heart surgery you will continue to do on me as I take giving to a deeper level.
May I impact the world around me, one gift at a time, each day for a year. I wonder if this will continue to be my ministry!! For others who feel lead to give more please leave your comments and unique stories in the "comment" section or email me for my book ( May you be truly blessed!!
I hope to change the world by bringing the love of giving back again in our rushed society, one gift at a time!

Canadians rejoice as 3 year old Keinan Herbert is returned to his shome trou the power of prayer, polices actions, search parties and the a

As the world was grieving Sept 11th ten years ago, Canadians were also rejoicing the safe return of Kienan Herbert Sept. 10th, 2011. The three year old boy had been abducted four days ago from his home.
Police were notified immediently, search and rescue parties began, and an amber alert was issued. The whole county became aware of Kienan's abduction. Posters were made and newscasts showed Kienan's appearance, and the suspect's appearance and car.
Many of us across the country began to pray. We prayed fervently, and with great empathy.
Finaally the father of Kienan made an emotional appeal to the offender. He said this was his chance to walk away. Kienan was still non- verbal and the police wouldn't be there.
Then a miracle occured. Later that night Kienan was returned to his home!! His parents staying at the neighbors were given an anonymous phone call and Keinan was sitting on the couch in the living room. A police officer specializing in these crimes said it was the first time in 24 years he had seen an ending like this! This indeed was a mirale!!
One could only imagine the graditude and joy of this family who had been through this horrendous event!!
Later a press conferance was called and a very emotional father of Keinan. He even thanked the offender for returning his son.
But prayers need not to stop here, as there is much healing to be done. "May God use this experience to give hope to other parents of missing children, or give other parents the oportunity to grieve their own missing children, and may He continue to heal and restore everything this horrific trauma still stolen from all of them. God loves justice, and in the end, He WILL get the final word!" (Debbie Fortnum)
So keep Kienan and all affected by this trauma (especially his parents) up in your prayers continually. Also echo these prayers for families and friends of those going through chidhood abductions. Always remember God has the FINAL WORD!!